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The Democrats Projection
   I listen to the news and hear over and over again, all the bad behavior being projected onto MAGA Republicans of the fraud and control tactics that the Democrats have been doing for years. In the process of "draining the swamp", they are trying desperately to keep everyone in the dark by accusing the Republicans of doing exactly what they are doing. Why would you think it's a good idea to waste trillions of dollars on programs that don't benefit Americans. unless you are receiving kickbacks? Who would be against exposing all the waste, fraud and corruption? Who would be against "Make America Great Again"? They don't want the world to see the truth.

Illegal immigration solved         video

   Do not support illegal behavior by giving amnesty. If I break the law I expect to be prosecuted, not rewarded. It isn't fair to the legal immigrants that have spent money and years going thru the system. Give back our jobs to Americans like carpenters, plumbers, carpet layers, gardeners etc. who's wages have been devalued by illegal aliens. The same thing goes for homelessness. Stop making it easier to be homeless

   Take away the benefits from people here illegally and you take away their reason to break our laws to come here. No welfare. No food stamps. No welfare money. No free schools. No free hospitals. Babies born to illegal aliens should be classified illegal aliens. Fine employers who hire people who are not here legally. Have a method that employers can check the status of potential employees. Build a fence and put 30,000 National Guard at the border. The problem is solved without deporting or arresting a single person. Many people will just leave our country. Legal immigration is an important part of our society and needs to be enforced.


Racism in America         video         picture         link         link         link
   America is one of the least racist and most free country in the world. People are coming here from all across the globe, trying desperately to get here. We are a nation of people of many different cultures and skin color. The Democrat party is pushing racism now and throughout history. Abraham Lincoln and the Republican's tried to end slavery but the racist Democrat's resisted. White Europeans were the first People in England, Australia, USA and around the world to stop slavery. There will always be racism. The White Man is probably the least racist of ALL people on Earth.

Do nothing Republicans, GET OUT !!
   We need Republicans that are conservatives. We need Republicans that will stand up to the crazy socialists that want to take this country down. We need Republicans that care about honest elections, strong military, strong boarders, smaller government, and lower taxes. We need to get rid of teacher's unions and judge teachers based on merit.  We need better schools teaching our children English, Math, Science, etc, instead of telling them to hate America and care about skin color.

   I'm mad as hell and I want something done about all the insane stuff going on. I don’t want millions of presidential election ballots being delivered to god knows who. Elections should be more easily accessible and harder to cheat. I don’t want driver’s licenses given to illegal aliens. I don’t want the homeless setting up camp on the sidewalks. They should be treated with respect and given a choice... homeless shelter, mental hospital, drug rehab or jail. The side walk, the park, the vacant lot or parking lot should NOT be an option. Schools and colleges should NOT be brain washing our children to think that America is bad, socialism is good, the sky is falling and no other point of view is allowed. Any school discouraging discussion and free speech should not receive any government funds at all. I want these “out of control” democrat cities to have outside help or be de-funded if they are unwilling to take responsibility and protect the people.

Why are the Republicans NOT STANDING UP for the rights of my children and my family? Why are they not representing me?

Can a man become a woman?
   If you cut off a man's balls, perform plastic surgery, and give him hormone injections, HE IS STILL A MAN. There are ONLY two sexes... male and female. In very rare instances, there are hermaphrodites but even they are predominately male with some female organs OR female with the opposite characteristics. This is science, not my opinion...  You can NOT change sexes no matter how hard you try or what you do. It's impossible to change from a man to a woman. It's impossible to change from a woman to a man. It's not going to happen. The most you can hope for is the ILLUSION of change.

Truth Matters
   If I am a Muslim, am I better off in America IF the country follows the10 commandments, if stealing is wrong, etc. If I am an Atheist, would I rather have people not try to murder me? Would the Buddhist or the Hindu benefit from others not having sex with their wives or bearing false witness against them? What part of Christianity is offensive to non-Christians, unless you are anti-Christ. I believe there are Jesus haters in much the same way as there are Trump haters, not that they are the same.
It doesn’t matter what good they do, they just HATE... and the HATE they feel is so overpowering. The phrase "Make America Great Again". Who would not want to make America great? Why would you want to live in a country and not want greatness?... And I feel sorry for those people who want to be separated from GOD.
Best Choices not Perfection
   Giving food and help to struggling countries to our South NOT allowing Illegal aliens to flood our Southern border.
Promoting families with a father and mother
NOT fatherless families or homosexuals.
Having police arrest criminals and the courts put them in jail and fine criminal behavior
NOT release them to the public.
Having the strongest most capable military in the world but never having to use it
being weak and polite and having everybody like you.
Vote Democrat "IF..."
   you want millions of illegal aliens AND sex traffickers AND drug dealers AND terrorists flooding our southern border. Vote democrat IF you want illegal aliens first and Americans last. Vote democrat IF you want criminals first and victims last. Vote democrat IF you want to show the world that we are WOKE and don't have a strong military. Vote democrat IF you want higher heating oil and gas prices. Vote democrat IF you want higher inflation and failing banks. Vote democrat IF you want to promote homosexual lifestyle and men pretending to be women and then have them compete in women’s sports.   Democrats want to destroy our country so they can “build back better” according to Biden into a socialist country.

Come on Man         video
   Joe Biden ignores the constitution, breaks laws, and shows the world that we are weak. He does not care about Americans and lies to us. He is inviting illegal aliens to flood our Southern border with measles, whooping cough, corona virus and who knows what else. He swore to uphold the Constitution of the United State which he is clearly not doing. The Media and Big Tech are censoring information they don't want you to see. He is the worst president in my lifetime. He is much worse than Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter. I think he is the worst president we  ever had in our history. Remove Biden and Harris from office because they are  breaking our laws and not representing the America people. Democrats are the party of the ANTI-BLACK. They have overwhelmingly voted against freeing blacks from slavery. They are the party of the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow laws. The lie that MAGA republicans are white supremacist and racist is what the Democrat party was and is today.

Voter integrity
   The Democrat party is racist. I hear them saying that Blacks and Latinos are too stupid or unable to get a driver's license or other photo ID to show they are who they say they are. You have to show photo ID to travel internationally. You have to have a photo ID to drive a car. They want to send out millions of blank voting ballots so that millions of unverified signatures can be counted for them.

It's my body my choice ??     video
   My baby is an inconvenience to me. I want to murder him.. WAIT... That's called abortion. The human growing inside me has no rights. I want to murder my baby. So murder is ok if the person can't speak, right?. If the person is very old or very young then it's ok to murder him, but otherwise murder is illegal. Wait a minute!. Murder is legal some times but not others? I'm confused. When is it ok to murder someone?

   In the Gaza / Israeli war, the law of proportionality would demand that Israel should chop off the heads of children, rape and murder the women and totally wipe out ALL the inhabitants of Gaza, including civilians. If I remember correctly, Israel cleared out the settlements in Gaza and gave the land to the Arabs, Hamas moved in, setup rocket launchers and bombed Israel. Not a good deal.

Greatest Nation on Earth
   When Africa got rid of the awful white supremacist and took over control of their own blackness, many countries fell apart. The white Europeans that came to America and created a more perfect union, the greatest country was begun.
Peaceful Protest Nation Wide         picture
   We Americans need to stand up and let our voices be heard. We are all sick of the fear tactics. The government will not bully us.
Refuse to wear a mask. Ignore the mandates to shut down your businesses. We will not be FORCED into submission to get a vaccine.
If you are vaccinated, you are protected against the un-vaccinated.
If millions of people refuse to be bullied by the government, we can stop this insanity. They work for us. Be Strong. This is America.
This is our government - Of the People, By the People, For the People

Homosexuals are at it again
   If I re-define the word "triangle" to include shapes with 4 sides and 4 angles, have I changed the triangle or what it looks like? No. I haven't I changed anything about the triangle, other than its definition. What I have done is created a lie. No matter what I say or what rules I make up, the triangle still has 3 sides and 3 angles. Let's take another example. If I change the meaning of the word "gay" to include homosexuals, does that mean that all homosexuals are happy and carefree? Again the answer is no. I've only added misinformation and confusion. I am a gay person but I'm not homosexual. Marriage is defined as the union between one man and one woman. If I take the word "marriage" and change the definition to include the union of 2 men or 2 women, marriage has not changed. I have only corrupted its definition.

   Most homosexuals are wonderful people, but a few of them are trying to shove their lifestyle down our throats by changing the laws of the land, changing the meaning of words and making it politically incorrect to speak against what these few homosexuals are trying to do, I don't want my son being taught in school about homosexuality. I don't want my son being taught that he can become a girl if he wants to.  I shouldn't fear retribution because I voice my beliefs.

   I think the governments should promote marriage, families and children, but it seems just the opposite is happening. If you look at the laws that have been created over the past 10 or 20 years, you would see the truth about the laws https://rescueyourchild.com/10-reasons in California and elsewhere.


Global warming, cooling and / or change
   What is really going on? Nothing is changing that hasn't been changing for thousands of years or more. When the Great Lakes glaciers melted thousands of years ago, how did man contribute to global warming or climate change then? When the Ice Age ended thousands of years ago who or what caused that? If you think you can control the climate then you are delusional. Nobody can control the climate.

Islam is demonstrating its peaceful nature, again
   Recent violent world-wide protests by Muslims erupted over the publication of cartoons of Mohammad. They want to kill the Pope for speaking about the words of the 14th-century Byzantine emperor Manuel II: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." If Islam is a religion of peace I would think that you would hear the echoes from mosques around the world condemning the violence, bombings and bloodshed being done in the name of Islam.

   Many Islamic countries have Sharia law and will sentence you to death if you convert to Christianity. Imagine what would happen if all the Muslim inhabitants of the United States decided that NOW IS THE TIME TO ATTACK after they have increased their population to a certain point sufficient to support their cause. Islam must condemn and turn in their fellow Muslims with deadly militant intentions or face reduced status in the United States. This is a predominately Christian nation built on very tolerant ideals and Islam is demonstrating their intolerance by not acting. They are immigrating into our country and not assimilating into our society. They are showing their true intentions by allowing their fellow Muslims to plot and kill in some of their mosques.

   Christian governments have had violence in the past. The Spanish Catholics forced native Americans to convert or die is one example. This should never be allowed by anyone or any government, but Islam seems to be stuck in the past. Islam needs to join the 21st century and give up its conquest for domination or be shut out.

Evolution vs Intelligent Design
   I find it very hard to believe that life started by accident or chance, but just imagine that it did. A lightning bolt stuck a pool of primordial ooze and wha-laa, MAGIC.... a one celled animal or plant was created. What did this first life form eat? If it was cannibalistic it would have destroyed all life on Earth. I guess it could have existed on eating dirt but that would require intelligence to know what to eat. It would have to know how to multiply or divide. It would need instructions on how to evolve into a higher life form. Where did it get this intelligence? Chance does not explain where the instructions came from. The most intelligent minds in the world can't figure out how to create life today. They only know how to modify it. A combination of the most intelligent scientists are not smart enough to create life from non-life, indicating that whatever or whoever created life must be supernaturally intelligent.
Corporations have taken over the United States
   Drug companies, television networks, labor unions and others are lobbying the government and dictating the laws to benefit themselves becoming much too powerful. The late California governor Schwarzenegger tried to make the state of California better by giving control back to the people but the powerful unions poured out their lies to trick people into believing that he was the bad guy. TV news stories don't cover all the news. They don't show you some of the stories, but only what they want you to know about.. Censorship and omission distorts the truth. They lie.

   Pharmaceutical companies are selling their poisonous drugs in TV ads directly to the public bypassing the doctor's best intentions. They are not interested in helping the public but only in lining their pockets with money. Carrageenan sexual lubricants show promising benefits of anti-AIDS, anti-HERPES and anti-HPV microbicides but because it is cheap to produce and not patentable, the profit margin is low. Even though it would probably help many millions of people in the world, money dictates that they are not interested.


Porn web site solution simplified
   I think that some XXX rated web sites are pleasantly stimulating but it should be my choice if I want to look at it. I don't want it popping up because I accidentally misspelled the internet name. I don't want porn email cumming into my inbox or porn sights popping up in my searches. I don't want my son and daughter looking at it until they are old enough to make their own adult decisions. My suggestion is not new. All porn sites should be forced to use domain names ending with .XXX or .PORN or .SEX instead of the normal dot com or dot net. That way everybody will be happy, except the porn industry because they want your kids to accidentally view deviant sexual behavior and develop a taste for women (and men) with large fake breasts and perfect bodies.

   I believe in the constitutional rights for even the most disgusting immoral garbage to have freedom of expression, but I also believe that we the people have a right to turn it off if we choose. The way the internet exists now, we don't have freedom of choice but the porn industry does. We need to speak out to our government and let them know or nothing will change.

If you agree or disagree with me, send me an email.